CV / Resume
The End
Updated: Jun 6, 2020
Flattened Geometry with Orient
3D grid
Path Mapper
Day 2 was busy. It started with:
emptying recycling from my van
Taking my father and I to costco, where I got cat litter, water, cat food and snacks for my studio
I cleaned my studio
Had a meeting with Rick Rogers
Talked with Erin Cooper about Vault installation
Had a meeting with Emily and Kate Hancock
Prepped some curves
Ordered Contact lenses
Corresponded with Katrina about a late-add in my 203 course
Hung the Norm Painting with Ryan's help
Changed the Cat Litter
1 finger of whiskey
Chess Battles back up to 1461
Chess up to 1597 with a brilliant move involving a battery
Finished the long tutorial about Grasshopper, taking less involved notes out of necessity
Watched several…
Day 2 was busy. It started with:
emptying recycling from my van
Taking my father and I to costco, where I got cat litter, water, cat food and snacks for my studio
I cleaned my studio
Had a meeting with Rick Rogers
Talked with Erin Cooper about Vault installation
Had a meeting with Emily and Kate Hancock
Prepped some curves
Ordered Contact lenses
Corresponded with Katrina about a late-add in my 203 course
Hung the Norm Painting with Ryan's help
Changed the Cat Litter
1 finger of whiskey
Chess Battles back up to 1461
Chess up to 1597 with a brilliant move involving a battery
Finished the long tutorial about Grasshopper, taking less involved notes out of necessity
Watched several…